today was wierd...

Listening to: none
Feeling: alright
so ya me and tiffany's boyfriend are not really getting along to well i hate how he is to her and other shit and i hate how i can never just hang out with her like it used to be before they went out...i hate how he is always around and when we plan to hang out just us he surprisingly shows up i also hate how if he wants to hang out with her by himself she doesn't invite me over (most of the time, it's not the fact that she doesn't invite me over it's the fact that if he wants to hang out alone they usually do but if i wanna hang out alone with her we NEVER DO) and they get to hang out but no when i wanna hang out with her she invites him over(or like i said he randomly shows up) and when she wants to just hang out with me he gets mad at her so ya as u can see he is controlling(NOT in an abusive real bad way) and it still is not good though...anyways i want her to be happy (obviously i mean she is my best friend)and i wouldn't do anything to screw that up but if shit like this keeps going on we are barely even ever gonna like hang out anymore and w/e if it makes her happy when she with him ok...they can be together as much as they want but i can tell it doesn't make her happy( most of the time)...w/e.......(tiffany)you have to see where i am coming from when i say all this think of it as the opposite would you feel?...we have been friends for about 9 years so just don't forget that...pce luv ya!
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