3 more days till school is over!!!! YAY!!

Feeling: alright
ya so its finally friday and we get outta school wednesday yay!!! and ya i'm so excited. i'm bored right now soon i'm going with my mom to get my dad something fro fathers day then around like 3:30pm i am goin ova paulas and sleepin ova...i was gonna like hang out with tiffany but she is hangin out with kevin and she said they aren't fighting so i'm not gonna go ova right now cuz i don't wanna start anything knows kevin says that they only fight when i'm ova there so w/e i don't care...i'll hang out with her lata or tomorrow i dunno... well today was pretty boring we didn't really do that much besides watch movies in school...we got outta school at 11:45am and i got home around 12:00pm so ya i dunno well i'ma gonna go so ttyl pce <3
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