
Feeling: alone
so ya me and tiffany left early from kevins because he was bein an asshole and like not even an hour later he showed up at her house which in a way kinda pissed me off because we left his house so we didn't have to listen to him bitch and here he shows up without even calling and it's like where do we go now? but o well its not really up to me to decide if he can come over anyways but if she wants him to whateva... i just can't stand how he constantly bitches at her and it is hurting her emotionally and i can tell...she spends more time crying than she does smiling which isn't good, and the fact that he thinks she makes her self cry and tells her that she is over emotional is not very good...i dunno's up to her what she wants to do(and i do understand that she can't live with him and she can't live without him)...pce out <3
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