**I have no clue what to write**

Feeling: alright
i'm bored i was gonna do all my laundry for camping saturday but the landlord showed up to fix the hot water heater and they are not supposed to know that we have a washer and ya i dunno it's all fucked but now i'm sittin here being bored on the computer...anyways me and tiffany are going camping to chocorua camping village on saturday and we are going for a week i think it will be fun the only thing that sux about it is this week will probably be fun and fly by ...and we comback the 20th and then we have school 9 days lata wso thats what sux but o well...i still need to do so much more school shopping but my mom is on workmans comp. so she is outta work and they barely ever give her any money...and my dad has to pay all the bills so it sux when it comes to school shopping this year...i have to like buy all my shit but w/e...my mom was talk to me and my brother yesterday and she was saying when it comes to the point when she has to sue her work she will probably sue for about $500,000.00 and she was tellin me and my brother how we could get our own cars and everything like any car we wanted so that pretty cool!!!! well anyways i'm gonna go now so ttyl...pce...<3
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