5 more days till school is over!!!!YAY!!!

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Feeling: blah
ya so i'm bored and me and my friend tiffany would like to know who wrote this comment: "heyy, u seriously need to get over kevin and dont keep crying over kevvin... hes just a guy and dont be wanting to kill yourself thats the most stupidest thing you could do.... now i read this stuff in xxcierraxx witch i kno is your friend and your acting really stupid...just get over it and get over yourself. you need to find sumthin better todo than feel bad for yourself!!!! [anonymous (]"... if you are the person just tell one of us we would just like to talk to you or something( nothing bad because we understand what you are saying)... so anyways today was cold jesus it got down to like 48 degrees and i was freezing...lol so ya i am at the library chillin out right now and and i am really really bored..there is a carnaval in kingston on the planes starting like tonight and it lasts till like saturday i think...i'm not sure but i know i wanna go...so today was pretty cool me and my friend carly kept on getting bitched at and rude comments to from my citizens teacher so we went to the principal and complained and hopefully she gets in ttrouble...o ya and school ends wednesday yay! yay! yay! I AM EXCITED! ok well i dunno what to write anymore so ya pce out...<3
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