3 more days...

Feeling: happy
yay 3 more days till we go to the condo andy yes kevin can go! so this is gonna be some fun vacation we leave at like 7:00am on wednesday and i can't wait...yay -lol- ya so me and tiffany hung out today and made a cool remix of the song oops i did it again by: britney spears ya it came out wicked good it was wicked funny...ya so i woke up today at 12:00pm and it was raining and then i went ova tiffany's at like 2:00pm and around like i guess 4:00pm it stopped raining and ya today just flew by and tomorrow hopefully will fly by that way we can go to the condo faster. ya so i was talkin to this wicked hott kid brad, he lives in new york and is 17 he is so sweet and funny and nice he is like the perfect guy any girl could have and he treats me with so much respect...he pretty much treats me like i'm his girlfriend but we've never met...i wish we were goin out that would be so cool except for never seeing eachother..w/e i'm fine with being his friend he treats me right and ya...HE IS SO0O0O FUCKIN HOTTT!!! ya well im wicked bored...i'm gonna go to bed soon though cuz i wanna get up kinda early so ya so i guess i'm gonna go now pce...
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i kno just 2 more days..... oh right...
hey cierra guess what i'm doin my laundry lol....