*I'm back*

Feeling: sinful
well my b-day was the 14th and it was pretty cool and the 15th i went to a condo in north conway and it was pretty cool we saw a baby bear and 2 moose and we went shopping and did so much shyt everyday it was fun. the limit of people that could be there was 6 but we had 15 it was fun... and i just got back from there on sunday may 22nd and ya like i said it was fun...but i feeel so sick right now and i think i have a sinus infection too. so i have a doctors appointment at 3:15pm today and it is 2:30 so yay just playin but ya...tiffany went to the condo today till saturday so i'm gonna be alone for a couple days but o well lol thank god we don't have school monday becuz it is memorial day. i wanna go in a hot tub. i am random i know.19 more days of school not counting weekends, we get out on june 22nd then i'll be in 10th grade next yearthat will be pretty pimp! well ya i gotta go get ready to go to the doctors so pce out...
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