Listening to: Destiny's child- Girl
Feeling: fine
YA SO TOMORROW IS OUR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL...AND I'M SO EXCITED! ANYWAYS TODAY WAS ALRIGHT I GOT WICKED PISSED OFF AT MY TEACHERS AT ONE POINT BUT O WELL...WE JUST HAD A PARTY ALL DAY AND WE HAVE AND ICE FIGHT AND A WATER FIGHT IT WAS WICKED FUN I GOT SOAKED...ya and tomorrow we have finals which sux but o well it's our last day... yup and i just talked to tiffany and she was going over kevins..last night i found out she was goin back out with kevin and i just can't believe she didn't tell me...they were going out since like friday and i didn't even know...anyways something else would be last night i went over tiffany's till like 7:00p and tiffany told me today that KYLE went over there at like 7:30p and i was like what the fuck why didn't i stay till like 7:30p errrrrrrrrr... (i still like kyle..shhh...don't tell no one...!)jk i care if u tell anyone lol anyways ya i'ma bored one....and ya...so i'ma gonna go now i gotta study for finals sometime..buh bye <3kyle<3
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WHY IS SCHOOL STILL GOING ON?! I'm so glad we got out already. When do you guys go IN???