pretty fun night...

First of all i want to know who wrote this cuz if u can fuckin write it u should beable to say it to my face or atleast tell me who wrote it u fuckin pussy...we are on the computer it's not like i can kick ur ass online....this is what they wrote...."you really do have issues!! i hope you go to the doctors and find out theres sumthing seriously wrong with you and maby you'll die and go to hell!!!! [anonymous (]" and that fuckin pisses me off that ur a fuckin little bitch and u can't admit u friggan wrote it... anyway so today i hung out with krystal and alicia and my brother and we walked ova tiffany's house cuz they wanted to say hi to kevin...and ya i think tiffany got mad at me but i'm not sure. but anyways so then we went back to my house and listened to music and watched music videos but then we went outside and we were hangin out at the town hall...a little later when it got darker we had alicia's cell phone and were listenin to all her downloaded ringtones and we were like all grindin it was the funniest thing seriously i almost fuckin pissed my fuckin pants then a little while later we walked down the street with my brother so he could meet up with some of his friends and then we walked back and they got piced up but it was pretty fun...and now i'm bored and tired and also excited cuz i can sleep in tonight...!!!! yay well i gotta go now so pce <3
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Screw the haters. Be content with the lovers.
Anyways, I go to school in Maryland. Home of ignorance, violence, and drugs. Right outside of the heart of our USA. Washington D.C. Where the majority of PG, Maryland come from.
Anyways, we go back in August, too. We got out (I believe) on June 8, 2005. I didn't go the last day, so I don't know if it was my last day or theirs.
Where do you go to school?
My name is Lesha. Ta'Lesha, really. My nickname is Sunshine, because I'm *usually* happy, but sometimes I have my days. Anyways, New Hampshire seems like a cool place to be..but the name always reminded me of hamsters =. I don't like anything that crawls faster than I walk. LOL..guess that's bad. Well, except babies, but most can't. lol. Okay, welps, that's all I've got to say I think..later *comments*.