? What is there to talk about...?

Feeling: dancy
ya well right now i'm pretty bored listenin to like one of my fav songs and i feel like dancin wicked bad...right now tiffany and kevin are at there celebration dance at school and i'm sittin here...there is nuttin to do my brother went to our school semi-formal with a wicked pretty girl which is wierd cuz i would never think she would ever even talk to my brother...i dunno i could have went to the semi-formal dace at our school too but i really didn't feel like it besides none of my friends are goin and i wold be bored as hell so whateva no differance i'm bored as hell now too. tiffany and kevins dance ends at 9:00pm and my school semi ends at 10:00pm and right now it is 8:10pm so ya i got a little while b4 i see anyone to like talk to...w/e i'm bored and that isn't very unusual...so ya i'll find someting to do. ... ... ... ...who knows what to fuckin do...well w/e pce out i gotta find something to do... <3
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