Listening to: Blaine larsen- How do you get that lonely
Feeling: alright
i'm bored and i really am getting so sick of my fuckin teachers and i can't fuckin wait till school is over...6 MORE DAYS YAY YAY YAY YAY i really can't wait i fuckin wanna kill like everyone of my teachers...anyways so tomorrow is wednesday: no advisory yay! last week was our last one! lol i dunno why i am excited about that i used to sleep in that class...thursday: normal school day...friday:class day, we get out at 12:00... monday:normal school day... tuesday: finals till 12:00pm then go home... wednasday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! finals till 12:00pm then go home and finally summer! yay! and that is pretty much my schedule for this week and half of next week... err i wanted to buy a yearbook but they are like $55 and that really made me mad err i want one but i don't wanna pay $55. so ya i found out like 2 weeks ago that in july i'ma goin to my aunt dolly's house for a few days it's gonna be wicked fun cuz she has a wicked nice pool and stuff and we always do crafts and fun stuff so ya we are never ya well i'ma gonna go now then so pce <3