?¿?¿?I don't know what to call this one?¿?¿?

Feeling: alright
i'm bored i have been at my aunts house since friday night and last night my cuzin and her got in a big fight and today my aunt didn't go to work instaed she went drinking all day and got pulled over and refused to take a breathalizer test thingy and she got arrested and got her license taken away...i dunno she can be crazy sometimes. i have been babysitting and it definately gets boring fast lol...this morning at like 4:30a my cuzins son woke up puking and then like a half an hour later he felt better, then my cuzin didn't feel good and like a half an hour later she felt fine and i didn't feel good and like a half an hour lata i felt better and then her daughter brooklyn threw up... and i dunno it was just weird...well anyways i am tired and it is like 12:50a and after babysitting for a few days u get tired especially when ur waking up with a 7 month old everyday...well anyways pce out...<3
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