tomorrow is my!!!

Feeling: anxious
well tomorrow is my and i am very excited...but the again i am not really in a good mood and i don't really feel that great b-cuz my alergies are acting up and i'm kinda feeling bad for my mom b-cuz we were supposed to go shopping for me today and my dad gave us $200.00 for everything we needed to do and after we went to wal-mart and got everything we needed for her friends bridal shower and home we had to go grocery shopping and after that we were all outta money and my mom said she would take me shopping after i got back from the condo and stuff and i can tell she felt really bad but she just got off of workers comp. so she hasn't gotten a paycheck in like a month so we don't have much money to just spend right now and we still gotta pay bills and shyt so ya i feel bad b-cuz i know my mom feels bad but i'm ok with it b-cuz i understand what she is going through. yup so ya school was kinda boring today except the fact that in science we had to eat 5 different kinds of hot chilli peppers and i almost barfed after i ate a hapenero pepper wow that thing was friigan hot!!! lol my mouth burned for like two hours! but i ate alot of saltines and cookie dough and drank alot of water so i'm all good now except the fact that when i burp i can't taste all the peppers and they are gross...yup so ya and then i got dismissed from school at 1:00pm and now i just got back from my moms friends bridal shower it was pretty fun...and now i'm bored cuz i have no one to talk to and tiffany and kevin are out ya well that was pretty much my day o wait one little piece of advice if you eat a pepper or touch it DO NOT i repeat DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYE ouch it hurts like a motherfuckin bitch -lol- k pce
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your really weird but happy b-day tomorrow!