
hey hey hey folks. my mommy is coming back from south africa tomorrow evening and she's bringing me presents from my family and a half a carton of smokes (the other half is for my stepdad). apparently my dad bought me a really nice turquoise tie and a black and white one with arty imagery. sounds groovy. even my unreliable oupa bought me a shirt, a turquoise one to go with the tie my dad got. they think i have some kind of colour co-ordination thing going on. ok fine, i do. what of it!? i had a great day yesterday. it was the first time in months that we went into town, and the we was just me and kyle. i miss those days, it used to be a regular occurence. then kris came and it would always be the three of us. then we all started getting pissed off at each other. but we had fun yesterday, kyle bought the pants for my costume for hansel and gretel, i'm the woodcutter. we're doing it for school. i have a psychology mock next week. i studied for about 10 minutes this morning. then i went downstairs and watched tv and smoked a stolen cigarette. i'm bad at studying. i'm bored now. later. : P
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nice ddddduuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddeeeeeeeeee