thank you

if my life could be a shape, this would be it. BUT, i am thankful for all of the support i am getting from the people who really matter. kris, kyle, mandi - you guys mean the world to me. i love you all. : P ***** update: MYDSRIP : P ***** update again: dear laura love lloyd : P ***** update again again: i've just realised that as a result of the events of this evening and the letter i wrote i seem like one of those depressed emo kids. i'm not, but if you knew what happened this evening, you'd understand. : P ***** update again again again: time for some humour: a wet pussy, hehe. : P
Read 11 comments
hey were did you get the pictures of the chicka from>
Your my hero
because i hereby name you Lord of Awesomeness because you rock my sock drawer to the tenth power

im lame.
Heh heh.

Fun stuffs.

haha good stuff sweety
well if your offering.... ;)
awww that cat doesn't look very happy :P

ur also loved dude- Razzle
congrats on getting expelled :)

lol yea valentines is gay but u get dat...**mwah** there u go u jus got sumtin from me aha :P...bit late tho