don't change your plans

i'm seeing ben folds on 13th december in london. my mom is buying me two tickets for christmas. nobody wanted to come with me, i don't really know anybody that loves ben folds as much as i do, but i persuaded kyle to go with me, so it should be fun. i think i'm going to henley today, just for a quiet relaxing day out with mom and raymond. it's about fucking time. whenever my mom's home, she obsesses over cleaning and dusting and tidying and she never takes a break. i feel really bad about it most of the time, and i end up shouting at her because she needs to take some time off and we end up having huge arguments. she's always so stressed out and shouts at me a lot, if she just chilled and watched tv for a few hours every day or something it wouldn't be so tense in the house all the time. also, why the fuck should the house be so immaculate all the time? we never have people over. probably because it's so tense in the house all the time. and a home is for LIVING in. what the hell kind of home means you can't relax in it for 5 minutes? i feel like such an emo bitch. i wanna cry over my bleeding heart. i hate the general english population. relationships always fuck up with english girls because most of them are so insensitive and cold and i'm really sensitive. maybe i'll get lucky and meet a nice south african girl at college on the 12th. probably not. come to think about it, girls are just assholes in general. i trimmed my pubic hair yesterday. it's not good. cos now you can see my whole cock, and granted it doesn't look like a needle in a haystack anymore, it's still fucking ugly. let's be honest, the penis isn't exactly an attractive organ. now don't go'n get a big head ladies, vagina's aren't 100% pretty either! although on the other hand, you have tits, all i got is nasty chest hair. i'm fucking desparate to get behind a drum kit right now. haven't played for about 6 weeks. i've been wondering whether my band still exists. kyle assures me it does. still, we haven't even gathered as a group more than twice in the last 6 weeks and i've only seen kyle 3 times in the same period. i'm not sure whether they want me in the band any more. cos we hardly see each other any more, they're staying in school and i'm gonna be in college. GAH, i hate this drifting apart bullshit. and it's not natural drifting apart, it's forced. because of that dumb garner bitch. 23 of her school's best teachers are leaving because they couldn't work with her. 23 of 60 teachers. her school is fucked! i'm gonna go, i think i've rambled enough. hope y'all have a groovy day, you sons of bitches. : Pink
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you're right. Garner sux!
I love ben folds "Zac and Sara" woohoo! I love it. You're cool. Rock on.