
apologies for not commenting back and such for those of you who comment. i'm tired, so fuck you. this job is the most fun job!!! it's cool, there's no time to stand around and be bored, just busy busy busy! problem is my feet kill from all the running around! and i wasn't tired after work, but a few hours later... another cool thing is that whenever i work, i get a decent meal!!! WOO! later.
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oi,no-no you ain't gonna F me like that hun! mmh...good food is the bestest! tty soon (hopefully),and pamper yer feet ;p xk
i was refering to your entry where you said "i'm tired so fuck you" lol but don't worry if that STILL doesn't make any sense!that's me for ya! A bit yeah..a bit... lol Whatcha up2 now? xx
lol sounds really cool cause I have nothing to do. I almost wanna go back to school. sigh
hugs&kisses&lotsa love
hey, do you have an AIM screen name? if so what is it? so we can talk sometime. my sn is luckyXthirteen84
ï can "see" you! lol how goes it? i'm bored of easter already :( xxkathy