Its alright it think its hawt.
and australian accents are pretty hawt too. Soo sexee!
Doesn't sit have an entry limit?
hmm.. maybe you can beat the system :D
you should email me the pictures of the suicide girls are school blocks the site
haha ::BEAR HUG:: haha, can't help you, sorry, I am rather far away, lol

im confused most of the time with u and i see how it is u dnt comment or talk to me no more :( i still luv ya
wow you really do hate england. oh well seems gorgous to me, maybe some day ill visit you, and stalk you. mwa ha ha!
lol i know u have my msn, but.... my computer is down at the moment and I can only use AIM. =(
sounds fun to just pick up random cds. thanks for the idea.
...freaks me out

i liked the previous entry you forgot, but the fucks were great too! haha
