post replica

*yawn* pizza hut is boring. there's a lot of standing around and doing nothing. which isn't as glamourous as i had initially imagined it would be. payday is next friday. which is also the first day of the download festival. which i could possibly get very cheap camping tickets for. BUT i might not be able to go on account of work. i fucking hope i'm not working on monday night. i'd rather be going to the fez with chris and KT. it's about fucking time too!! i snapped another string on my guitar. and it's still pretty fucked. should i get it fixed up or save up for drums? or just blow all my money on more piercings? which sounds a lot more appealing than anything else. i could get that third eye i've been wanting. and the septum. maybe i should pay for the mirror i broke. nah, fuck the mirror. and i'm not paying for the train ticket either. and they can shove that 30 pound admin fee up their fat fucking capitalist asses. my money is MINE, beeyatch. : P
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or you could just buy a new guitar, erm i thought like you were gona start doing guitar duties now ?
Dont blow the money dude you know thats the wrong thing to do, its hard to resist but just dont do it
Standng around and doing nothing? That is a pretty good job, lol. Why complain? Your getting paid... to do nothing... Think about it. Pretty cool, no?