Dissolve [Messy Mix]

it seems like my days are getting more and more random. today i was sitting on a lamp post thing, having a cigarette. and this guy comes up to me to ask for a light. so i light his cigarette and we start talking. and i start walking around with him and he buys some drugs. (just weed). so we go to the graveyard and i get stoned with him. which was incredibly random because how often would you say you get stoned with a portuguese guy named pedro that you've never met before!!! then, i saw katie. well, she came up to me and poked me. and we went to see chris. and she got his house keys and i went with her to see christopher's place. it's cool. then we went back to town and had lunch at burger king. then went to the train station and were watching people go buy and talking about what we liked and didn't like about them. and a man and woman came and sat next to us and gave me some cigarettes as i was out. and i saw tiona again, which was the first time since i walked her and enid home last week! then we went to see chris after work. then they walked me to my bus stop and i saw enid again along the way! and then the day ended and i came back here to waste the end of the day. again. fuck you all. : P
Read 22 comments
its my best friend...my boyfriend's name is ryan and there is about 7348237 entries about him in my diary
Whoa! Cool font!
Thanks for a great day...not
Dontcha just hate dicks who "diss" you and don't have the balls to say who they are and stay anonymous...sigh
Poor Miss Lilly pad banana hamock. You better fucking cry for her and like beat your fists on the floor. She was an awesome hampster who fucking ruled
I am bored! Please help me.
that's amazing.

I heart Church...o_O
I am good. How are you?
haha you silly atheist ^.^ you will believe in me tehehe
sounds like you had an interesting day. and yes, i know foamy likes bagels. i bet all squirrels do, the other ones just cant talk.
wow you sound like such a dumbass...
i changed it because i get bored easily. plus, the chick in my new pic is cool. i'll probably change it a lot, so the fairy one will probably come up sometime again. sorry you dissapprove :
haha bitch. neither of you can be god because I'M god ^.^
ah well you know. everyone's gotta whine about something. it could be worse, you aren't completely emo! welp i gotta leave now, (i'm at damn school) so ttyl.
rach is cool. rach is hot. rach is god haha [so she says]
why are you confused?
oh...i'm sorry! i kinda felt that coming when i brought it up. don't worry, you aren't the first person i've heard whine about that, doesn't bother me!
lol hiya new friend!
rach rocks :] she might come visit me after sunday ^.^ im so excited about it
yes, friends are good, lol. i saw your multi-toned hair, 'tis cool. and i'm guessing the dreadlocks hair chick is your girlfriend? her hair is kickass as well.
lmao what the hell are you talking about?
Eh? O.o
i just noticed...your friends with reality too! and greenmachine i've seen before as well.
i was kidding...actually, i was unsure of if you liked the new shtuff or not. but thanks! glad you like. you should add pictures to your own.