taste in men

going to work at nandos today. should be good. maybe i'll get free chicken!? so bored right now. i wonder what everyone else is doing right now? yawn* yesterday was cool. finally watched in the soup. it was fucking awesome, finally, a movie with steve buscemi as the lead. well, i hadn't seen one yet. anyhow, later days. : P ***** hey hey peeps. nandos went GOOD! looks like they're gonna call me in for a shift or two next week. there was this really cool nepalese girl named pabee, and a hot girl, and a bunch of cool nepalese, everyone that works there is awesome. this dude, gam, scared the shit out of me though. he's big and quiet. i'll stay right the fuck out of his way!! : P
Read 14 comments
heyllooo :) .. hehehe .. XxOo
Free chicken=kyle...get the idea.Love joe so great.Still need to see then end tho:(Just not enough time in the world i guess.Dude you have to see Empire Records,its like a dream job.Would love to work in a place like that,only we don't have,only shitty corp ones like HMV.I will lend it to you when i get soup back,and O'Brother also.I've copied LTJ,it all fit onto one disc,only have 3blanks left.Got to buy more,thats this weeks £10 gone-RazzlexXx
yea im straight. What did sh say? Just a ? Because we are fighting.
lol, I'm glad you did well :)
take care
get a dictionary, for the french.
Ooh you gotta job,how cool.Don't desert me though ;) tell me how life's goin xxkathy
Aw,thank you :)*feelthelove* don't worry so long as i get the occassional "ello" tis all good.is life goin well then? that sounds fun ;p xxxkathy
Oh dear!Tis not so good:get out there into the world an share the love you got too much of at the mo! ;) If ya wanna talk...you know the ad :) xxk
One time I can comment, and I dont have nething to say.

I've tried commenting before but it was set to friends only.

Damn murphys law.
i am a sex crazed lunatic. I love sex. But im not a whore.
I'm glad someone has a job!
Nandos? Lol. What is that?
yay I'm glad you had fun.

guess what: I hit random and i got to your page! so i simply had to read your diary and leave a comment.

do you like
have a hole in
the middle


im lame