the real tale of hansel and gretel...

So, the witch tore Hansel's arm off, popped it in her mouth, said "Hey, pretty good!", and within minutes had devoured the rest of his body, leaving only the small intestine for fear of bacteria. Gretel she decided to hold on to for a little while, so she crammed her into the freezer as best she could. : P
Read 10 comments
that's funny
yes of coarse im black nigger jeez
you may offer me a coathanger.

but why? im not pregnant.
ok if you're sure lol!! Well I'm sure what else to talk about
but all my coats already have hangers.

but i suppose you can never have too many coat hangers. i love coat hangers.
Lots of things love me. lots of people too. I never knew why i was so loveable.
hedgehogs love me. that's all that matters.
I don't know. I've never met a ferret.

I know that minks don't. they are immune to my loveability.
Hey hows everything going? I am ok. Sort of. i guess, anyways holla back.