Spongebob & Little Scotty

Feeling: impatient
HAHA! I took a little quiz. I am a GAY SPONGEBOB!!!!!! Wouldn't scott just love that? "Little Scotty" in my moms way. she calls him little scotty and it cracks me up hella bad. Oh god i can't believe i said that.... little fat white girl saying hella? O. M. G. Lol.just kidding. idk why my mom calls him little Scott.... he's really not that small of a person. Well in total complete honesty, I kind of like Scott. Except he is like... a male Sara. It really is kind of sad about the mormon children. they have no fun. No swearing, no caffeine, no bad things, no sexual references... man... i pity them. And they take SEMINARY! not that i have a problem w/ it. i can't since i have no religion. But if you wanna take seminary at a public school, your sort of fucked if you're not LDS. Every seminary class is LDS. and it kind of bothers me, because you know... there's supposed to be a separation of church and state? well it doesn't really seem like that's going on. Oh well... back to Scott and the other drama freaks sort of too. scott is one of those people that watches the inatimate objects in cartoons. he has come to hate spongebob. beause there are subliminal messages encouraging uh.....gay-ness. it is kind of funny. so we all torment him because we are oh so evil. i gave him a valentine w/ spongbob and patrick in the box in that one episode, because that is one of his least favorites... "you can't see what they're doing in that box" ... and put a sticker on it w/ the "Magic Conch" shell. because in that one spongebob and patrick held hands. and then there's tanya... scotts precious left shoe. he fell in love with her one day in drama. Rachel was just about ready to kill him. he was annoying, so i laughed when he was hopping desks and singing "whinnie the pooh" and he fell and got caught between two desks. my mom asked how my day was.. and i just couldnt refrain from telling her about scott and tanya. i mean he was making out with his shoe! how can you leave that out?????? and my mom is just as psychotic as i am, so she wrote a "break up" letter from tanya and used all these shoe puns. "these words are bitter on my tongue i thought our love would keep us laced together forever. i need to bear to you my inner sole it was so great. everyone thought i was giving him a secret admirer note. he thougth it was so funny. i wonder what he did w/it. he said something about burning it in a ritual.... but tanya is still around.... so on teh night of the school play when we were leaving, scott was at the door and my mom said hi, and scott goes "so you're the one who wrote the breakup letter from tanya?" my mom nodded. "ah. well... i was going to tell her that day anyway" i had sucha hard time not laughing my ass off right there in the entry way of the school auditorium. And then....there are the dolls. Scott lives with his grandma. Scott's grandma collects porcelain dolls. They are in his room. Scott says the dolls watch him while he is sleeping and that they are conspiring to murder him. supposedly even when he turns them around they turn back around to face him and continue watching him. i just think the dolls like him. then there are these three shirts that he has...they are really funny. 1)the "conserve energy sleep at school" one. steven has it too adn they wore it on the same day. i've never seen guys fight about having the same thing on as another one. 2)Utah... But I'm Taller. I like utah. it is my home. but it is funny because scott is not tall. i think he might be like one inch taller than i am. i am 5'2".... 3) One by one the penguins steal my sanity. i find it funny because scott likes penguins. it reminds me of my "can't sleep clowns will eat me" shirt that i made and my "never trust a clown" pin. because i love clowns. and scott likes penguins. my mom has a sticker that she got a long time ago that says "penguins w/ lips really creep me out." if it werent for the fact that she loves it so much... id make her give it to little scott. Oh god... i cannot belive i just wrote a whole entry about scott. I AM SCARED NOW. I need to go find something that will kill the brain cells that are infected with it. I am attracted to assholey people.... and i am afraid to like anyone for fear that i will like them too much and then they will be assholey and hurt me. i dont think scott could be as bad as kaleb and jordan... telling me my life doesnt matter. kaleb: you are a waste of human being and the world would be better off w/o you. jordan: i would have let you kill yourself but I didnt want that karma resting on my head. Mikey was nice. we were never really truly together, but he just stopped speaking tome...so i figure..... that is kind of assholey Anyways... guys suck. if there was one that would like me and be actually HONEST about it.....then i might be happy. "A clean break is easier, you can reset it and it heals and you move on. but if things are left messy, or things don't get put right... then it just hurts... forever."
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hello again, that scott person sounds nice, you should go for him, lol, i dont really know him though... try to stay happy!