Dance baby

SquirrelWraithe: hi SquirrelWraithe: 9 wallakwalla: k wallakwalla: whats up? SquirrelWraithe: nothing i have to get off at 5:10 wallakwalla: ok wallakwalla: the dance was lame SquirrelWraithe: ok SquirrelWraithe: did u dance with HIM no names wallakwalla: no. hardly anyone danced. him and other people were running into eachother. he made a little pony tail on his head and stuck a fork in i wallakwalla: it* SquirrelWraithe: o wallakwalla: he stood at the front table forever like he was trying to do a shoutout.... anyway SquirrelWraithe: o SquirrelWraithe: he disgusts me wallakwalla: because of that or other thigns...? SquirrelWraithe: other wallakwalla: can you share today/or tomorrow? wallakwalla: just can i know why? SquirrelWraithe: personal opinions wallakwalla: oh... ok SquirrelWraithe: like its just my opnion wallakwalla: ok. i was just wonderig SquirrelWraithe: yeah wallakwalla: i know you're going to think i am even more insane than i am for just liking him... but his forks dont bother me much SquirrelWraithe: good for you SquirrelWraithe: did he ask where i was wallakwalla: nope SquirrelWraithe: another reason he disgusts wallakwalla: ...?he doesnt care? SquirrelWraithe: sure wallakwalla: oh SquirrelWraithe: i dont care if he knows it either wallakwalla: ok.. SquirrelWraithe: i wasnt implyinmg SquirrelWraithe: im just saying if he knows good for him, if not good for him wallakwalla: ok SquirrelWraithe: 5min wallakwalla: ok SquirrelWraithe: yesterday paul thought i would kill jordan wallakwalla: uh...why? SquirrelWraithe: because jordan kept pinching, poking, and slapping me wallakwalla: after school? SquirrelWraithe: and pulling me towards him SquirrelWraithe: yes wallakwalla: like "iwy" pulling? wallakwalla: ouy tnaw i wallakwalla: or just mean pulling? SquirrelWraithe: iwy wallakwalla: oh SquirrelWraithe: and paul said i was making murderous faces everytime wallakwalla: do you think you were? SquirrelWraithe: n he told jordan "leave her alone. she probably wants to murder you" SquirrelWraithe: and then when he was pulling on my face i bit his knuckle and he claims i made underneath his nail bleed wallakwalla: oh SquirrelWraithe: but he disgusts me for tother reasons wallakwalla: ok wallakwalla: just personal opinions wallakwalla: ? SquirrelWraithe: yes SquirrelWraithe: 1 minute wallakwalla: k wallakwalla: i'm sorry SquirrelWraithe: sok wallakwalla: it makes me feel bad SquirrelWraithe: i just really dont like him in practically every shape and form wallakwalla: k SquirrelWraithe: i despise him SquirrelWraithe: and the reason im not telling you why is because you like him and stuff.... SquirrelWraithe: i g2g. hurry SquirrelWraithe: hurryhurry wallakwalla: tell me i am open to opinion. just because i lisetn doesnt mean it will change alot of stuff SquirrelWraithe: i g2g tho wallakwalla: ok bye ******************************************************* indeed very interesting i dunno if shell get on later so i can ask her to write me a note or email or something.... anyway today was pretty good. unlike very recent past arjay sat about as far away from jordan as she could in the library. tasha has nirvana and i get it tomorrow happy happy happy! we had a dance party in dance. it was the best one so far. partially because i got to dance with jordan. :) we danced together for the latin hustle and talked the whole freaking time. he was even really sweet when i forgot my place and messed the steps up. oh jay cant do the freakin foxxy. for the... fourth or fifth dance that we did, it was girl's choice to pick... and i really think jordan expected me to pick him, and i really wanted to pick him... but i ended up pickng eduardo... regret... so then for the last dance it was guy's choice,and jordan came over to me and kayla and amber and spun around and was all cute and everything, and sort of acted like he was going to pick me... and he picked kayla. :(. so that's what led me to believe that... drama sucked. we did...uh... nothing! well we performed love connection... but... it sort of sucked. we listened to mr webb chew us out for nearly an hour in chorus. did... stuff in fourth. arjay was pissed at jordan. and she still wont tell me all of it. but as we were typing stuff for our column, she starts typing JORDAN IS A IDIOT MORON WHO PUTS FORKS IN HIS HAIR AND WHO WILL HAVE NOBODY TO LIKE HIM IF HE KEEPS DOING IT. EVEN THO HE THINKIS IT IS REALLY FUNNY AND CUTE HE LOOKS SO LAME. IF HE WERE A HORSE THEY'D SEND HIM TO THE GLUE BOILERS HE'S SO LAME. yeah. and i swear that she typed that. fifth sucked lunch was lame. nobody had money for me cry... i got a cookie and punch tho. crts in bio lame. arjay didnt even write hima note didnt walk to seventh with him. lame stupid evil assignment U92 dance was today, so in seven thtey gave us these little coupon thingies for those of us who wanted to/could go to the dance jordan went! it was wierd. like i said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ but i sort of half followed him. i kept just running into him. lik ewe wre circling opposite of eachother around the breakdancing people. then he went and stood at the front table like he was either trying to get free stuff or make a shout out. he never got to do both, whichever itw as that he wanted. tasha had this thing about watching the records spin, so she dragged me over to watch w/ her. and so there i am, half hiding behind my friend to try and not let jordan know that i am there or think i am following him... he was following me too for a while i'm sure. if he wasn't id be very interested to know why he was behind me. he makes me laugh. oh yeah IT HAS BEEN 6 MONTHS SINCE WE BROKE UP. THIS IS REALLY RIDICULOUS. BUT THEN I DIDNT LIKE KALEB OR MIKEY THE WAY I LIKE JORDAN... SO.... BUT AH. I WAS SO HOPING THAT HE'D DANCE WITH ME OR TALK TO ME ALOT.. I WANT TO KISS HIM. MWAH well... yeah... taht is my day. sof ar.... god i am so patheticly in love...
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