*81* For Sarah

Listening to: Seether-Fine Again
Feeling: terrified
Hey, Sarah [raineydays] didn't like my last entry bc of something in it so this one won't mention it. Okay, I am STILL not going to say what is really on my mind (the negs that is) but only the good. That way no one can say I am a pity whore, or say I want attention..bc I trully don't, lol. Hey, thank you Alex [atreyu] for the help with the guitar, you rawk hun! Yesterday....I got a short skirt that is hot pink and black plaid. It has black lace under it, and a pair of jeans. I am wearing them both tomorrow. And I got a tank top with lace but it was too big, so I gave it to my mom. Tomorrow is a half day so I think I will go out to NB to see Andy O and Taryn W. I might have Sarah over this weekend. I am suppose to go to the movies with Alex A sometime. I am staying after today and Thursday to work in the library. I am going to work on my research paper for Mr. Metz. I was drifting away from my friend Andy M but we are closer after lat week. Nothing really else is good at the momet.
Read 6 comments
thank you doll
hey i like te pick
sam (one of brandis friends)
No prob, but I think you should always say whats on your mind and if people don't like it then oh well.
well thats cool i know sweet dreams...cool riff...im only going for 3 damn bands i hate pop punk
hey, if you actually liked that story, you'd like the site i got it from. opiummagazine.com
literary humour for the deliriously captivated.
or something.
hey, i want you!! =D
: P
I lik the pick w/ u john & jeff