*30* school sux!

Listening to: incubus-warning
Feeling: bothered
omg, i love incubus!!! and this is my FAVOURITE song!!! lol, sorry bout that. but yea, so tuesday. my bus came MAD early (my late bus) so joel and mum hadda pick me up bc i missed it. then they put the guilt trip shit on me i i freaked out at them when we got home and i almost cried. so instead i wrote a note 2 brandi while listening to my chemical romance and i broke things in ma room. bad kimmi. wutever tho. then brandi called..i think it was ysterday actually..or maybe tuesday nite, I dont remember. but yeah, i stayed after and made up a quiz for my english class. then i hung out with my friends brandi, mike, jon, sanna, and some other ppl. they went outside and had snow all over them and mike and jon and ben hugged me so i got wet and cold...damn them! wednesday we had no school. yay. not really bc when we have a fucking snowday i have NOTHING to do ALL day. i shoveled part of my driveway(its LONG) and i was wearing alex's hot topic pants, they kick ass!! i love them! i dont really have anything else to say tho, not much happening with the kimmi..lol. o yea, brandi and i have a notebook with ville valo on the cover of it but the pages keep coming out, it sux! and hi jon, im glad u read this, lol. but its kinda pointless, i dont say much really. but i hope u have fun reading it.. i love you like my sister loves cake~ ~kimmi~
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