*75* too late guys, sorry

Feeling: neutral
well I was talking bout Brandi, the girl I have been dreaming about. I figured it was a bit obvious, but now that I read it over, it's not, lol, sorry. I'm sorry Jeff to disappoint you love but I did. I was fighting with my mom and I went into my room and did it, sorry. I know, it's REALLY stupid but..I couldn't help it. And I love when you use my nickname! it makes me feel special.... well yea, I think I have dissappointed enough of you guys. cya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ well I am talking to Brandi, I am SO glad to hear her voice..but I don't think we can be friends again bc I made her cry...I ruined this friendship...I am SUCH an idiot...but I punished myself..just not enough, I wish I could do more but I can't. Brandi, will you SERIOUSLY try to cut down if I don't do it?!?! please do it!!! I care about you okay. but I fucked up, and I am TRULLY sorry for that.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ okay, so yea, me and Brandi are talking. But I read things to make me think she dont wanna..but..im not forcing myself on her or into this or whatever. thank you Brandi for still talking to me hun. your awesome! my email=liltwistedfreak77@yahoo.com aim sn=lilkrazierikan06 myspace=myspace.com/kimmi_7 contact me everyone, I love making friends!!! thank you everyone for all the comments. -me
Read 62 comments
yeah i have no idea whats goin on with that thats kinda wierd i got someone i dont know that is getting that protective over me...oh a word of advice just stop caring about alot of shit i mean you gotta care but theres not much you can do about it...lifes to short to be pissed off all the time
yeah ive been smoking for like 5 years.but i thought it was so cool when i was like 12 lol.everyones like oh you think your hardcore cuz you smoke(preppy kids mostly)i was like no im hardcore cuz i listen to slayer fucked your girlfriends mom last night and about to beat your ass...and the same thing is happening to me as corey taylor i used to have a nice scream vioce now its deteriating.the doc said i can get it back if i cut back if i cut back
i am punk/emo/retro/nerdy/gothic/hardcore/scene really the truth is im just a bi guy tryin to make it as long as possible.
Yeah. It helps to have a clueless mom. I dunno why she's so clueless... She's dealt with my dad. ad he was fucking baddd.
thanks for your simpathy. i really appriciate it :). keep in touch
yeah sure i dont care
Course ya can. :-D
erm, no you don't know me. but i know you're fucking annoying as hell, and i don't like you very much so far.
ok so i don't really mean that, you just kind of get on my nerves with the comments left in atreyu's diary. soooo...without that, we're cool.
you can definately add me =)
holy shit kimmi ur popular.lol.look at all the comments.lol. ne way im glad things r a lil better for u i hate seeing u upset. i gotta go tho so ill ttyl
hey!!!!!!!!! wat up? nothin new here. i reallllllllyyyyyyy don't want to do my homework for tomarrow but i guess i have to do it anyway!:< i can't way till summer vaca! mmmmmm under the sun (or somethin like that! mh i really don't want to do homewrok!!!!!!!!!! ttyl bye!
im doin ok now. little better ea. day. uh and its already 9 here in boring wi.!!!!!! but ttyl hun:) bye!
i have no idea who that is never heard of him...you got some serious probs going on huh?
Aren't you the popular chica? with 50 comments:-p I had to write a 5 min freaking report due tomorrow. And its exactly 5 mins. Let's hope I talk slow... lol.
Let me tell you something!


Let me ask you something...

You type in the number of your entry everytime?!

You must have a pretty good memory!

It's a gift. Cherish it well....
yeah i prolly wont i gotta go to the doctor and see if i have lung cancer and then hes fuckin with my back and thatll prolly just fuck it up worse but thanx anyway
haha love the "holy shit im hot" thing :)
liv xx
yeah ever since ive been 5 fighting with my dad everyday...but recentlyive just said fuck it its not worth it
yeah i know how that goes..yeah i can play them...pantera hendrix all the greats too
oh...do you play?well it takes awhile to play hendrix and awhile to learn any metal songs cuz alot of them are hard...just keep playing everyday for like an hour everyday at least and in like 3 months youll be alot better
hey you ask them who that is...im kinda curious...
er, i don't really give a fuck what you post anymore i just kinda got angry about it but i'm over it...sorry i made a big deal, you know but yeah...he knows who this is now, so yup. 'tis all.
of course you can dear. yes for some reaoson i appear to be just about the only bi in mytonw. there are two gay guys, and 4 lesbians, other then that no good. u have to go out of town to find a date, or at least a good lay. occassionally they come through passing at a coffee shop tho

I look good!



Just kidding....

And that's okay because I have the worst memory in the whole wide planet!
lol dude bouncy balls make me the happiest person ALIVE lol, no idea why..they just make me extremely happy..give me a bouncy ball and ill be entertained for HOURS hehehe
hehe my knee is better!! i have like..a red cut on it but thats otay, no biggie hehe
i want you!!! hehe well you should know that by now ;)
just to kiss you would be a blessing hehehe
i loves you kim!!
hey yeah thats my girlfriend that said all of that...were broken up for the past week she just got defensive cuz the stuff you said...dont worry about it
I <3 you, Miki! You wanna know what's funny? The comments you leave me on MySpace make my girlfriend jealous.
hey...no its because i went around to all the 13 14 year old girls and said hello.i love you.and this kid just frieked out on me so im just retaliating cuz hes a little bitch and you hjave to be a friend to leave a comment...so...oh and what happened was we broke up and she got jelous or whatever you wanna call it defensive cuz cuz for some reason she thought i was gunna go after someone else...so...i dunno its all back to the norm...
no we are now...i dunno out of bordem
ah you know what, i'll admit it, i was wrong to get so pissy over that...sorry. i wasn't annoyed that you were talking to him, just some of the things you had said to him kind of got to me. i don't hate you either, you're actually pretty coolness, so yup. but tho--if i was such a bitch to you, why'd you add me as a friend?!
thanks hun, im srry i scared u! i promise that i don't cut. (even though i think about it)
guys everywhere flood the the streets in tears,im glad u found someoe to occupy ur dreams
this site is for diary's, were inteded to rant why do you think i put my pschyzo breaks in mine it's all one big rant
Lol Caffine pills. I'm dying to try corciden. Once I hit 18 and can buy them I'm going too. I'm a pill fanic.. I've been fighting with that chick for the last mth. It's so amusing. She says the same thing over and over:-p
no i wish that we were dating... but we arent... he said that we had to get to know each other a little bit better before we dated... i even told him we should date and see how things go... but he wants to get to know me better so i respect that descision.
<3 <3
btw great taste in music
It's ok, nothing really anyone can help with.
People are just fucking idiots, that's all. =]

and no, you don't soundd creepy.
Thanks.....see me today?
lol, thanks..I love Taking Back Sunday too! =D
It's ok, I still love you. It just makes me feel bad.
That's ok, so long as you're trying. It just worries me when you hurt yourself.
hey, i dont know when u left me ur coment, coz i havnt been on here that much, but thanks you can prob see that i like HIM a lot.
Ohhh, I love them. They are my sweeet little addition.
thanks! it meens a lot. that some1 cares! :, i'll em u! my em is gillyluvzcb@yahoo.com! so we can talk! again thanks! ttyl!
hey thanx 4 making my friend feel better gillyluvscb that wuz really nice thanx a bunch
im SOOOOOOOOO happy that ur stop cutting ur self! i don't jugde! so yea! ttyl hun!
thanks it did! and if ur about to cut ur self just rite me b/c i check this and my email everyday during school, after school almost everymin (kinda pathetic, yea) so if u need to talk i'll be here(corny)!
if u take a look at my name area it says! what state do u live in?
oh and i hope that its ok that i added u 2 my friends list
Ehh, my dad buys em for me. Mom is just plain darn clueless.
netime dear, i like comments make me fel intellectual
thanks for the comment, babe. people usual dont comment i hope its alright that im adding you to my friends list. like the love. oh and i was reafing ur "im bi" entry. welcome to my fucking life. ::sigh:: shits shit, but i'll wait it out for now. keep in touch.
- >ariel< -
hey thanx for the coment i really dont think so but uhh...i hate suits too...hey we like some of the same music,killswitxh atreyuTOOL!!!thats cool i hate pop punk and rap tho
yes that is me in the background and i am not cute i look goofy
yeah well thanks...you cant be that bad come on...
i.m anything but sexy.
lol, that's awesome =)
i don't like you.
my back hurts cuz i got rear ended by a caddilac when i was dead stopped and he was goin 34...so yeah my back and necks all fucked up now...and no i dont mind