*94* My Fucked Up Rollercoaster Of A Week

Feeling: uneasy
Wow, sorry I haven't written, I have been really busy. Sunday, I went to this rock place (Purgatory Chasm-I think that is how you spell it) and hey, hot stoners trying to climb rocks was the BEST entertainment you could ever get! Monday...nothing out of the ordinary, bored but ehh, it's all good. Tuesday, I went on a field trip to STCC with Jimmy Towns. He is pretty kool, cept he went out with Mike F's ex when Mike F still likes her. But hey, if Adel wants to go out with him, hope she is happy. Hope Mike F gets over her...I think he started cutting...bc he has these cuts on his arm that look JUST like it (Trust me-I would know) but he said he got them biking and got attacked by a pricker bush...I am believing him..for now, until I see more, then I am stealing him away somehow and we are talking, lol. He prolly hates me but whatever, if he starts cutting...ex or not, I am REALLY going to talk with him! Wednesday I gave an 8th grade orientation with Erica K and Mike F in my group.It was SO boring! Cept, there was this 8th grader who I SWEAR was old (but my bro knows him and said he isn't)..well, he had the KOOLEST hair EVER, lol. He has a mohawk but it was done and instead of off to the side, it went down towards his face, and he wore make up and hade green stiched tripps on!! He was SO cute..wish he was a bit older but hey, whatever. Thursday (yesterday) was boring..but I got out of History because all juniors had to go 2 an assembly to learn about our senior pictures. Then we took the '06 picture, it was fun. And today (Friday) has been pretty boring. But my depression is back, of course...err, I can't fucking stand it, I wish there was some kind of medicine that didn't make me sick..lol, it sux! I started to get depressed yesterday. I of course still read her shit, don't know why I still give a shit about her but I do. And when I read that Abby died, I almost started to cry, but I am in school so I held it back. I still think, and dream, amd remember her, I can't take it. And the shit she is writting about me...it is pissing me off...of course I don't want to know she had a bad day, she doesn't deserve to have a bad day, she doesn't deserve whatever pain she seems to be getting, I do, I deserve all the bullshit I have been getting. I fucked everything up, she should have a happy life... Okay, enough about her... But yeah, Alex is mad at me and he is never going to talk to me again because I am going to smoke this weekend. But see, I have been under alot of stress lately that I wanted to cut, this is the first time I have wanted to in a month. So yeah, pot makes me happy, it helps to ease my pain..but he is like, if you are going to go smoke this weekend, don't fucking talk to me...you killed our friendship, I am not even doing it alot, porlly just enough to get a slit buzz off of it! Fuck it, whatever. So yeah, Tomorrow Cai is picking me up at 10 in the morning to go to Sean's graduation party, which starts at 3, and we are going to get to Sean's house at about noon. fun fun. I can't wait, I am going to get SO drunk..lol, but I am going to try not to smoke too much bc Alex doesn't want me to smoke, Mica is upset and Jon C doesn't want me 2 (we made a deal) so I am going to try not to smoke too much. But I am going to drink like there is no tomorrow (wishing there wasn't :(...) and me and Cai are going to be in a tent..lol, it will be fun, lol. He is SO cute, everyday I have been on aim during school and we have talked...I heart him (not love-heart-there is a difference) Yeah, I don't love him...I really like him and I care about him..so yeah, I heart him! I still REALLY like Sarah C!!! I can't get her out of my head, but I don't think she likes me that much..relationships and me NEVER fucking work out, that is why I don't expect anything from anyone, even if they say they are going to do something, I expect them to not do it that way if/when they don't, I don't get hurt from it. Yeah, I have written WAY to much for people that NEVER read this..so peace out bitches! lol, sorry, random Ghetto-ness -kimmi
Read 4 comments
thanx i havent been up to much lately...how bout you
I hope your friend isn't cutting it is a hard habit to brake, I know.

woooow kim.
so many hypocritical things in there i cant even begin lol
you cant be all "oh cai this cai that cai this" and then be like "oh i still like sarah"
things dont work like that kim

and hehe ive seen that kid from the jr high a couple times, hes pretty...hes nice too

and it was Mouse that died, not abby
I don't want you to smoke, either. You know how I feel about that. =|