*55* I effin quite

Feeling: shocked
shattered doesn't even describe the pain in me right now, and it's not over a guy right now...i hate makin friends bc they end up hating me...if i wasnt in class right now, id cry....its so hard not 2...whatever...i think im going to give up on this sitD bc...whatever...paige effin ahtes me and im guessing brandis pissed at me 2...i guess ppl dont like the real me..im flirting...and i dunno...other shit 2....but y bother typing it..no one gives a shit..i dont care anymore about anything..the one reason y i dont cut...i think is leaving me...whatever...all i have for a friend is a fucking knife...the only thing i EVER FUCKING HAD!!!!!!
Read 5 comments
riddle March 24, 2005

what is more powerfull then god
more evile then the devil
the rich need it
the poor have it
and if u eat it u will die?

and way cool site!
hi yeah i did some of it and [kathy] did some too, we were bored in english class one day...dunno if u want my input but i am sorry that things arent going well for you, true friends are ones wo know the real you and love you anyway. one day everyone has to finda at least one soulmate xJ
Thanks I'm glad you think my diary is the shit!!! Lol yours is hott too! Hey can u tell me how to put a pic in the comments I leave people? Byez!
Miki, I love you. I always will. No matter where I am.
I like the same bands you do.--