nothern michigan and your welcome
no im always on period pretty much...i have dsl and i leave everything working right now...and im homeschooled so
no problem sometimes that just what people need
yeah well some people are stupid lol...shes prolly just over emotional
i prefer redheads. it's one of my fetishes...
: P
don't be sorry. i like blondes. they have more fun or something. [stanford] is blonde. he rules.
: P
well you know what some people are like that and they just blame it on someone else so dont even worry about sure you dont fuck with people on purpose or even at all
NOT african american. NOT american. just african. white south african. lol.
: P
: P
yeah i love swimming...what the hell is that girls problem?you couldnt have fucked up that bad!
if you're not english, you won't know them. we call them 'chavs'
if you don't know 'em, look 'em up on google, there's some pretty good sites.
: P
hey...your not a fuck up...sometimes people screw can always fix it...and if people say that you cant its cuz they dont want you too and therefore they dont care...and why do you need someone that doesnt care
Well if it helps you've fucked nothing up with me ^^. But I hope things work out for you and Sarah.
i like ur pic and thanks for the comment! im so bored rite now! n i feel realt bad bc i forgot to tell my kmom khappy mother's day n she got kinda upset so i feel like shit for not calling her!(i was at my dad's!) plus she had a shity weekend b/c of my sis's wedding thingy n my gma. but things r getting better! but just thought i would rite ya and thanks for the comment again ttyl!
buhbye!! :I lol but really g2g bye! lol
don't get the wrong idea!! i'm not english, i'm african. south african. white, mind you, but still proud of my african heritage.
: P
i only hate one group of people in the whole world.
and it doesn't include you.
: P
you didn't fuck anything up with me.


: P
well if you think thats what you think is best...