Already March

The past few months have really seemed to whiz by... and in the best way. School has been amazing. Only taking two classes, math and spanish, along with swim. Swim has been better than amazing. I have made sooo many friends. And good friends at that. We went to a Toga party last weekend and had soo much fun. The last guy I was seeing was a great "rebound" guy. Treated me as I should be treated. Sent hundreds of dollars worth of roses to my house.. and as much as I would like to be his girlfriend, I can't. The attraction wore off.. the charm wore off and I realized he would be a great guy friend. Nothing more. I told him that in January and he JUST stopped texting me everyday a couple weeks ago. I thought it would never stop. He is a great guy though, just not for me. I was dating a 25 year old, but that didn't work out... different lifestyles. And now I am dating Scott, 21. He is on my swim team, loves waterpolo, and is like a kid. We have so much fun and I am never bored probably because he seems to have ADD. I have a swim meet in 30 mins. Then I am going to Santa Barbara to visit Kevin A! We are going to have one gnarly weekend! I really can't wait to ride on his bike and go for our nature hike...where you can only really do one thing... I still feel like i'm growing.. and still feel like i'm getting better at being me. I freaking love life. :) Peace
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did you have fun?? kevin visits are refreshing :)