
Feeling: bored
So after I wrote my blog Monday morning, I hung out with Dani all day. Then she ended up getting stuck here coz the roads got bad as fuck. So I watched her play Kingdom Hearts all night. "NOT CLAYTON!" So then Tuesday, we drove out to her house, got her shit for the club. Got stuck in traffic in Oakland, car danced .. lmfao. Came back here, got ready. Smoked a blunt, and went down to the club. Eh. It was okay. It was Mardi Gras. W00. Dani got fucking SMASHED. She was so intoxicated .. it was ALMOST as bad as me Sunday night. I danced w/a bunch of guys. Justin got mad at me. *sigh* Got a bunch of beads .. from the DJ .. and I didn't have to show my tits! YES! Dani puked .. lol. Came home, and she continued being drunk till she passed out. Then today I woke up, yelled @ Paige & Dani, and went back to bed. Woke up again, and Josh was home shortly after that. Got ready, Paige went to go meet her bf, then Jules showed up. Dani left. Then Jules, Josh & I went and saw POWERMAN 5000!!! It was an amazing fucking show. Spider Zombie is fucking gorgeous. Ninjas who met God is also a really cool band. Mmkay. I'm out. Quote of the Week "I like my men like I like my toast - WHITE" ^^ Dani said that to a black man who tried dancing w/her last night at the club. LMFAO ^^ TooDLeS ♥
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