college girl

Feeling: torn
COLLEGE: well since 26 august not that much has happened tbh,except for starting sixth forn COLLEGE....which i suppose is a big major thing so,erm..alot has happened then.. and apart from already being worn out every night when i get home,and missing all of my old friends its all good. GETTING INVOLVED: well a new school gives me the chance to change i suppose even if i only get to change for two years-anyway what i'm saying is that since primary i haven't been one to get involved so i decided to turn over a new leaf and start doing more for my school. so what better way to do that then cheer them on.. CHEERLEADING: I found out that one of my new friends is apart of the Blackburn Panthers cheer squad and when i asked her about it she told me they needed new member and invited me to come i the end of the first 'session' i had already been measured up for the uniform which is very nice if i do say last tuesday when we finished i was officially apart of the squad(don't get me wrong-it wasn't like a tryout or anything and i was so good that they let me through,they always need new girls and its just a case of showing up and taking an interest,i'm nothing special or 'ewt') Then i went again this tuesday and they made me apart of the stunt team-i'm a 'base' as in i'm the one who lift 16/17 year old girls up in the air-those are the 'flyers'their your typical tiny,skinnysixth fromers but saying that my wrist was still aching afterwards...... anyway i'm now doing stunt and cheer-there you go,hows that for getting involved. GOING OUT: Think i may give this up for a while before it gets so repetitve that it becomes boring,and i also need to give my body a break from the alcohol. GETTING A JOB: trying even harder than ever to get a job,i think i'll use my break from going out to find one. CADDY: Well this isn't going as well as i would like it to be atm.i think he's going back to the way he was being a few months ago.I saw him on saturday and told me he was going out that night,so when jo rang me and told she would pay for me i was really happy cos then i would be able to go out with him was a sure thing that he was gonna be out.....and then when i get to vies,he not i'm sat there really upset because 1)where was he?had something happened to to him? 2)WHERE THE FUCKING HELL WAS HE IF HE WASN'T HERE WITH ME!!!??? And there was no text or phone call the following day to explain. And he hasn't rung me at all this week-it's not like he doesn't have ALL of my numbers-unlike last time when it took me ages to see what was happening and to stop ringing him this time i'm not gonna ring at all,i'm giving him till the end of this week to call me,i'm not giving him a month of chances like last time. omg! i've just realised how formal this looks,i'm sat here in one of the sixth form study typing away looking very intellectual-i've been typing for ages. Love ,love is a verb love is a doing word fearless on my breath gentle impulsion shakes me ,makes me lighter fearless on my breath teardrop on the fire fearless on my breath Night ,night of matter black flowers blossom fearless on my breath black flowers blossom fearless on my breath teardrop on the fire fearless on my Water is my eye most faithful mirror fearless on my breath teardrop on the fire of a confession fearless on my breath most faithful mirror fearless on my breath teardrop on the fire fearless on my breath It's tumbling down (as in love falling apart) It's tumbling down (as in love falling apart
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Sounds like you've been having fun lol hope everything goes well for you :D
hehe :D