To be completely honest, when I typed in the URL to this website I wasn't exactly sure what I would find, but, regardless, it's still kicking.
To say things have changed for me would be an understatement.
I'm in university now. Second year Honours Classics to be exact.
If you told me that 4 years ago I probably would have laughed and said I wasn't going to make it that far. But here I am, and I'm not going anywhere.
I'm going through all of my old entries, starting from the beginning. It's been decided. Not as if I should be doing Latin homework or anything.
For those of you who are still around, I am still writing - just not what I used to write.
I write Fan Fictions for the Twilight saga mainly, but before you go all YOU TURNED OVER TO THE DARK SIDE, hear me out. I read Twilight when it was only Twilight, back in the tenth grade. I've waited for every damn book to come out. I was around before Taylor Lautner's balls dropped and before Robert Pattinson was even in Harry Potter. I'm legit, don't group me in with the crazy 13-year-old fangirls please and thanks.
Not like I have a tattoo down my ribs now that says, 'the clouds I can handle but I can't fight with an eclipse' or anything.
Here is the link to my FanFiction page:
(I have a DeviantArt account under the same username - check it out)
Anyways, here's to writing more!
♥ Steph.