Survey #2

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 31273 times on bzoink!

What is your favorite..
restaurantCasa Ole
drinkDr. Pepper
type of weatherCold
thing to do on a half daySleep
late-night activitySleep
sportDrag Racing
cityLas Vegas, Nevada
When was the last time you..
criedLast night
played a sportThanksgiving - played football with the family
laughed5 minutes ago
hugged someone30 minutes ago
kissed someoneMonday night
felt depressedRight now
felt elatedElated?
felt overworkedLast night at work
faked sickYesterday morning
liedIt's been a while
What was the last..
word you said"Trippy"
thing you ateMcDonalds
song you listened toCount Bodies Like Sheep To The Rythm Of The War Drums - A Perfect Circle
thing you drankDr. Pepper
place you went toAuto Tech
movie you sawDesperado
movie you rentedDesperado
concert you attendedA Perfect Circle back in August
Who was the last person you..
cried overJeff
danced withJeff
shared a secret withLauren
had a sleepover withJeff
went to a movie withLauren
were angry withJeff
couldn't take your eyes off ofJeff
obsessed overJeff
Have you ever..
danced in the rainOf course
kissed someoneOf course
done drugsYep
drank alcoholOh yeah
slept aroundNo
partied 'til the sun came upYep
had a movie marathonYep
gone too far on a dareOnce
spun until you were immensely dizzyOh hell yeah
taken a survey quite like this beforeYeah. Probably.

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Read 2 comments
I love you Krittle.


Did ya notice, I am not on there? :-p. J/K.

