Listening to: Rooster - Alice In Chains
Feeling: speechless
So today's Friday.
It's not payday.
But, Jeff's income tax check was deposited into my account at approximately 12:00am this morning, so that means he can get his tranny rebuilt now. He'll actually have some form of motor transportation and I won't have to run his ass around all the damn time. And he's selling his Mustang to some dude today too. So that's an extra $500 bucks in his pocket. Which I think he's giving to his mom. She's the one who bought the Mustang and he still owes her. Big time.
But, there's some good news.
I was "tardy" to first period today. I was doing good all week and then BAM! I fuck it up. My alarm didn't go off this morning and my mom didn't bother to wake me up, so, thanks. Oh well. It's Friday. And I hate this bra.
I'm off today. *dances* We all need to hang out and do something. Hell, anything. By all means.
I have to take Jeff to Ridgeway today. Fun, right? Dallas would know. Haha. :P
My family visited me last night. (Lauren and Dallas) It was quite lovely, to say the least. I had fun. Hopefully we can do it again sometime.
Well, there's yer update. I gots nothing more to say for now.
I love you guys. You all know who you are. :)