Well, I got some pictures taken a couple months ago for graduation. They were, eh, pretty good I guess. So I thought I'd post them here.
This is the "formal" picture of me. I think it looks okay. It's the best out of the two, that's for damn sure. The computer made my face look distorted. Blah.
This is the one of me in the cap and gown. Blah. It's crappy, I know. Once again, thanks to the computer, my face looks distorted. Unless it really does look like that. I'm ugly, I know.
So there you go. Enjoy.
My car's fixed. I'm excited. I get to drive her again. I'm going to have some pictures posted of her soon on here too.
Nothing else is going on really. Just really bored. And my head really hurts. And I'm tired. And I need a job. Hell, I could go on.
Let me know what ya'll think of the pics.