I did a complete tune-up on my car yesterday. I started around 8 after we got back from the pool and, needless to say, I wasn't done until a little after midnight. Spark plugs on a 350 are a pain in the ass.
I put some high-dollar Accell plugs in her, too. Along with some Accell 8mm plug wires. The box said the plugs were supposed to help smooth out your idle - it just made my car idle even more rough. I'm not complaining, I love it. Now all I need to do is get my damn exhaust hooked back up and I'll have my much-needed back pressure and she'll sound a hell of a lot better and hell of a lot louder.
Blah. Now it's off to work. I'm working a good ten hour shift today. Someone stick a fork in me, I'm done. Hell, stick something else in me.
..I mean..