Mood Rings- my birthday is in 10 days.

Listening to: Relient K- Relient K
So I am in a much better mood now that the heart thing has passed. I have not felt pain in like 4 days now. I am also with someone wonderful, who, at the end of the month, is taking me with him to Buffalo. His name is Jake and he is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me. I have known him for about a year- we met at Grassroots last July. I honestly think that moving out of Binghamton will do me so much good. I will be able to start over again and finally be myself. I hate how people here think they know so much about me and know me for what they hear. I won't know anyone in Buffalo so they will have no choice but to get to know me for who I am. Yay for that. Anyhow... so I was looking at everything today while waiting for the bus and I realised that I am not going to miss any of it. Not this place, not most of the people, not the scene. After 26 years living here and all that I am not going to miss it? Sad. I will, however, miss my dear friends. My best friend Amanda does not want me to leave. She, I think, is being rather selfish. When I told her yesterday that I was leaving she was like "no you're not". Like she's my mom. I wish she would just be happy for me. I would be happy for her if she were getting out of here. I got my hair cut. I think it looks ok. I mean it seems too short at times but then it looks good other times. Oh well. I'm going to go and get ready for Jake to come see me today.
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