The Music List

Listening to: Remy Zero
Feeling: accomplished
Another dream about Anthony last night. Can't quite remember this one. Last nght I made a mix for him on my I-pod. A bunch of songs that I have that remind me of him are in it. Here is the list: 1. This Love- Craig Armstrong 2. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot- Brand New 3. My Immortal- Evanescence 4. Wild Horses- Rolling Stones 5. Fair- Remy Zero 6. Sunshower- Chris Cornell 7. Iris (acoustic version)- GooGoo Dolls 8. Letters To You- Finch 9. Miles Apart- Yellowcard 10. Sweet Surrender- Sarah McLachlan 11. Honey And The Moon- Joseph Arthur 12. Everyday- Phil Collins 13. Motercycle Drive By- Third Eye Blind 14. Do What You Have To Do- Sarah McLachlan 15. Playing Favorites- The Starting Line 16. The Nearness Of You- Nora Jones 17. Saturate- Breaking Benjamin (hidden track after Sahllow Bay) 18. Could It Be Any Harder- The Calling 19. Silence- Sarah McLachlan 20. Bright Lights- Matchbox 20 21. You Get Me- Michelle Branch 22. As You Sleep- Something Corperate 23. Deep Inside Of You- Third Eye Blind 24. Past Due- Weakerthans 25. Firewater- Yellowcard 26. Siren- Tori Amos 27. Winding Road- Bonnie Somerville 28. The Ghost Of You- My Chemical Romance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wanted more but these were perfect. I miss Anthony so much right now. I mean he was my world for 2 years and then for 2 days I got to be in love with him again and I loved how that felt. I want him back.
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hello. i'm bored so i'm commenting on your diary!