Good Music Comes To Binghamton Finally

Listening to: Tool- Lateralus
So recently it has been discovered that some pretty decent music is coming to Binghamton pretty soon. On June 29th Home Grown will be at the Magic City Music Hall. On August 4th Flogging Molly will also be at the Magic City Music Hall. And on August 5th Emily's ToyBox will be coming to the Empire Club. Now for those of you who have no idea who ETB is- it's ok- they are only my favorite local band ever. Well not too local- they hail from Pa and play mostly there- I only get to see them once a month if I am lucky. They did not come in July so this is the first time I get to see them in almost 2 months. I am very excited. Now the only question is- will I be able to afford all this. Probably not. So I got an email from Jake yesterday that told me while he was at GrassRoots, he had to watch a guy die in his hands. I called him to make sure he was ok and he sounded like it was no big deal. I mean seriously folks, that is really traumatic and for it to have not affected him- well it makes me think 2 things. The first being that it never happened and the second that he is a heartless bastard. Either way it's pathetic. I mean Jake is pretty immature- while I was up in Buffalo he always did shit to get my attention- like constantly threaten to kill himself if I didn't do a certain thing. So it makes me think that he sent me that email to get me to call him. Once I called him he was all about trying to be nice to me and win me back. So after getting the information I needed (he said there was some pretty important mail up there for me from when I had changed my address when I moved up there for a week) I hung up on him. I don't want him to be trying to get me back. I am really happy without him. I don't need him harassing me anymore. I mean I have had a cell phone for over a month now and I still have not given him my number. I also will not give him my new address. He is under the impression that I am unreachable and I want it to stay that way. I mean he even told me last night that if he knew where I lived he was going to come get me and take me to GrassRoots for a day. I am thinking not. He once told me that he wanted to come down here and take me with him back to Buffalo- weather or not I wanted to go. I am thinking that if he had come get me for GrassRoots that I would never see Binghamton again. I mean I am starting to get scared of him. I am glad he has no idea where I am. I feel like he could easily take me away and keep me prisinor. Damn people suck. Well at least I have Joe who loves me and cares deeply for me. Thank god for that. At least he's not a scary stalker type.
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