Temptations From A Movie Theatre or An Update About Steve

Listening to: tv noise
Feeling: chaotic
So here we go folks- an update about my current situation. So Steve called me around 4pm or so. We went to a movie at 10pm with 3 of his friends. I thought maybe being with him in public would help me but it only made things worse- I mean during the movie he sat by me and put his arm on the rest so his elbow was touching my arm the whole time. And sometimes I would catch him looking at me... I have no idea what to do. I mean he even gave me a hug when we left (no kiss). I told him to call me tomorrow if in fact he wanted to hang out with just us or something. When I was driving out of the movie theatre, his car pulled up and his friend in the passenger seat said something to me that I could not hear so tomorrow I will have to call him and find out what his friend sai. I really hope it was not a bad thiing. I don't think it will be tho- I think Steve likes me... damn this is even more confusing than before.
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