14 August 2005 10:15am

Feeling: indulgent
So last night was... well there are no real words to describe it but lets just call it amazing. No- AMAZING! The night started out with a power outage that caused me to not have to work. I had been sitting at work with Patti, Lisa, and Kim when they decided that we could not work becasue NYSEG was not coming to fix the power. So we decided to go out to State Street and drink a little. Well upon arrival we went right to Uncle Tonys where I ran into some frineds of mine I had while in high school. Then we decided to go to Boca Joes and I was there for a good hour or two and I ran into someone I have not seen in 6 years or so. A guy I had been in love with during my junior and senior year in high school. His name is Anthony and he meant so much to me back then. He was quite a bit younger than me when I knew him and that is what kept us from being together. Well last night we connected again and... let me tell you, I have never felt this kind of connection with anyone since the last time with him. We kissed all night and I ended up going home with him where we just slept. It was nice to finally be with him again. Well there is one problem- right now he is currently touring with David Copperfield and for most of the year they are based out of Vegas. Anthony and I talked about me eventually moving down there to be with him because after 8 years of us not being able to be together, we don't want to give this up. I am very happy right now but there are some things that I need to get straightned out before I decide what to do. He is in town till Tuesday and as we speak he is home with his mom- or so he says. He will be calling me later and we will be hanging out again tonight. I am sooooo happy right now. If you knew what we had before you would be happy for me as well. I have not felt this way in years. He makes me feel so alive. It seemed that last night we just kind of picked up where we left off all those years ago. It just felt so natural to be with him last night. I onlt hope that this never ends. But who am I kidding- he is leaving on Tuesday to go back to Vegas and I might not see him for a while. But I can hope and wish can't I? Well I must go now and shower. :) :) :)
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