Leave Me In A Trail Of Smoke

Feeling: angry
So Joe has been lying to me as of late. I mean it is not even about stupid shit- it's about really important shit. I asked him to quit smoking cigs for me and for about a week he did. Then I found out he had been smoking for 2 days. Now it's been like 2 weeks since then and he lied to me again. He stole a pack of cigs from his aunts secret stash and lied to me about how many packs he took. This would be no big deal except for the fact that I am partially allergic to cig smoke and on top of that I have a heart condition that is made worse by the cig smoke and he still won't quit!!! It makes me so damn angry!!! I wish he knew how much it hurts me when he does this to me. I mean it's not only the smoking but the lying to me as well. I find it hard to trust him now since this. I have no idea what to do... I want to cry it hurts so much. I'm gonna go for a walk now.
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lotss of poepl cant stop smoking..it is just hard for them you cant be mad it takes along whiel to stop.