My Dreams Will Be The Death Of Me...

Listening to: The Shins
Feeling: delicious
So I have been being stalked for the last few weeks... not much more than that other than he has my cell number and has been calling me and hanging up on me... he uses private numbers so I never can tell where he is calling from... last night I had the most horrible dream about it... I can't even stand to sleep anymore... no one wants to go through what I am going through. He knows where I work and where I live... he is the most horrible person alive and he tells me that he is doing all this to get me to date him!!! Well he is going about it the wrong way. I used to have his screen name but I blocked him and made it so that only people on my friends list can contact me... I even filed a police report but there is not much they can do right now. It is likely that the screen name is from AIM and then people don't have to but their real names on it. God I don't even like leaving the house in fear that he will be there watching me... I wish I knew who he was so I could press charges against him...
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Wow. Thats so creepy. I hope you find out who it is soon.