today is a good day

Feeling: comfortable
JAred called me again...'cept this time I missed his call 'cause Robin was using a hair dryer and I didn't hear it until it was too late...I even tried calling back 'cause I already have plans tonight so I wouldn't have felt bad saying no to whatever he was gonna ask me to do, but he didn't answer. ah-well... Pretty sure that the bio test kicked my ass...oh well we are going to The Texas Chainsaw Massecre movie tonight. yippee! I'm excited! It's gonna be so scary, but no gross and gory...i can take it I just think that sometimes it's uncalled for. Blood's not a problem..guts and brains are yucky... yippe today is a good day!! heheheh off to the dark side
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chain saw massacre AHH! scary! i had a good day today too. its cuz its friday...all fridays should be good days...
You smell, glad you had a good day. Tell me how Texas Chainsaw Massacre turned out. I have been wondering if it is worth going to or waiting til video. Just cant figure it out.
i saw TCM last night too. it was alright, but it was kinda gory and was just freakin creepy.