gripping and glowing

ok...I just need to gripe for a second. My mom seriously needs to take a chill pill or just leave me alone. "Megan, why do you have to get up so late? You know that we want you up earlier, there is work to be done, whatever isn't done by June 1st when your dad leaves I'm going to have to stay behind and finish, and you don't want that now do you?" -no response from me--I know better, whatever I say, even if it's 'I'm sorry' will get me into trouble in some way. GET OFF MY BACK! I'l do it when I do it. Sorry I need to get some sleep--otherwise I wouldn't be able to do the job you want me to do properly...have you ever thought of that mom? huh? Ya, proly not. Plus, I don't go to bed at 10pm like you and dad. And have I hung out with any of my friends, leaving the work behind to do at a later time? no ugh! ok I think I'm done. Now onto Steve. :) he's so cautious about what he says and does he's scared to mess something up :) usually something like this would bug me, but it doesn't with Steve, just makes me like him more. :) last night I asked him what the first three words that came to mind when he thought of me are. smart energetic BEAUTIFUL :) fall in love with a smile
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hey thanx for the comment!! i duno its just kinda hard for me to go up 2 guys and start talkin 2 them ..... i dunno y its weird ...... if he came up 2 me and started talking to me i would b fine but thats not the case l0l

well i dont really have alot of time on this thing so i better get goin

Oh, my friend, how much I have missed you!! I have no one around here to constantly bug and entertain!! I'm sooooo sad, I missed Gilmore Girls last night!! I was almost crying because I forgot to program my VCR before I went to the movies. I tried calling everyone in Omaha but nobody could tape it for me. TP did tape it, but I cannot watch it until I get back from France! My life is sad! :(
In other news, preparations for travel are going well, but I still have a TON to do!! I finally have all my money in, though, so that's a relief! :) I just wish I had more money so I could buy some cute new "Euro" clothes before I go. Oh well, I guess I can always buy some there, since they will be true Euro clothes. Also, they have great haircuts and colors for super cheap, so who knows what I will look like when I come back! Crazy!!
Bonjour from Toulouse!! :)