
sweet....they let me sign in this time.. it seems that I am unable to sign into my journal while at work. The system won't let me. V. weird. So ya, I haven't really been up to much. Working occasionally, hanging out, partying, ya know the drill. haha Fireworks last night were kinda cool. I sat right in the front row in the VIP section (side note, I never knew that VIP stood for Very Important Person...hahah) They music was really loud, but I would expect it to be considering we were right in front of the speakers. The fireworks would have been fantastic if there was any wind at all. But since there wasn't, the smoke stayed right where all the fireworks were going off and you could only see half of them. The rest were behind the smoke. Genius. I couldn't see the finale at all because of all the smoke. It jsut looked like a big lightening storm behind a huge cloud...of course we could hear everything, just not see....((sigh)) oh well My parents are finally BOTH leaving this week. I love my mom and all but seriously, she needs to leave really soon. It's summer...I really don't need to hear, "Aren't you going to get up anytime today?" at 10:30 when I have nothing planned for the enire day. And I relly don't need another speech about how she has failed as a parent because I'm selfish, ungratefull and generally suck all around. What does she think that does to my self-esteem?? not anything good, that's for sure. But ya, I can't wait. They won't both be gone til tues. afternoon, but that's still better than being here. Now I can have people over without worrying about waking my parents up, parties with no worry(not that I have parties, but still) and I jsut generally enjoy not having them around. Freedom i say freedom!!! haha aaanyway...I think that's all I really have for right now. steak here I come! hungry! i heart peaches
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