Listening to: Dragon Quest VIII
Feeling: full
Ahh... Finals are over. Granted I only had 3; mon. 9:45, tues. 12:00 and wed. 9:45....but I'm still so glad they are over.
Steve and I have been playing this new video game for the past upteen days/hours (well, more him playing and me watching). Anyway, we just got to a part in the game where we can gamble in a casino for tokens to buy cool stuff. The reason for my update (I know I don't update enough) is because of the casino. Steve is trying to win lots of tokens...which will probably take more than an hour to acheive the goal we have set.'s a fun game and the story line (with all the little videos inbetween wondering around and fighting) is good, but seriously, how many times can I watch him lose at BINGO? "I don't think I'm very good at this game? -Steve I don't think anyone has a talent for BINGO hunnie...
Everyone ready to be jeaous of me??
Sat. I'm leaving for Miami for a week. Jealous much??? Well, don't get too worked up, I'm visiting my parents for Christmas. I'm excited for the warm weather and to hang with my parents for a bit, but after a week I'll be ready to come back. HOLD THE PHONE!! STEVE JUST WON BINGO! sweet...anyway, I'll be calling a bunch of people from the beach to let them hear the ocean, so beware. muahaha
King Kong tomorrow.
Should be good.
3 hours and 7 mins.
Free admission ticket from "The Frighteners" special edition DVD.
I'm psyched.
fall in love with a smile
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