Have you ever felt like you wanted to sleep all day just to be able to dream all the day away?
Have you ever wanted something so badly but are so terrified at the same thought that you end up pushing away?
Have you ever felt forced into doing something that you know you want to do?
Have you ever realized how screwed up I am, or how many issues I actaully have?
Have you ever realized how slow it really needs to be?
Have you ever wondered how good people are at hiding their inner most thoughts and feelings? (both good and bad)
Have you ever felt so much love for someone that you didn't think would ever go away, suddenly disappear?
Have you ever felt abandoned?
Have you ever been utterly depressed, so much so that you don't want to have to deal with the world anymore?
Have you ever been so happy but at the same time so sad?
Have you ever kept it all in while someone else lets it spill all out?
Have you ever been as confused as I am all the frickin' time?
Have you ever hurt anyone that you care about and not realized it until it was too late?
All of these questions have spilled out of my head...hopefully they will stay in a puddle on the floor just a little longer, so I can survive...
that's all I have to say
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